Music Ministry at Mount Olivet!
Director: Nathan Schierer
Office Phone: 473-2089 ext. 25
Office Email:

Praise Team
Our praise team leads a set of contemporary worship music each Sunday morning. We rehearse on Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM. Currently, we are looking for people who play instruments, guitar, electric guitar, bass, drums. Please contact our music director for more information.

Chancel Choir
Our Chancel Choir sings a choral piece during our Sunday morning worship service. We meet on Thursday evenings at 7:00 for practice. We are currently looking for additional men and altos to join the choir. This choir is also the core for our Cantata Choir which meets seasonally to prepare for an Easter and Christmas Cantata. We also perform a patriotic concert each year around July 4th. Over the summer we meet every other week.

Our Handbell Choir meets every Thursday evening at 6:00 PM. We are working on the fundamental basics for ringing handbells and planning on special music every couple of months.
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