Ministries at Mount Olivet UMC
There are many ways you can get involved at Mount Olivet UMC. If you would like to learn how to become involved in any of these ministries, please email the church office at and we will connect you with the right person.
United Methodist Men

The United Methodist Men meet on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 PM. Come and join us for food, music, fellowship and a special guest speaker.
Nannie Midgett Circle

The Nannie Midgett Circle meets monthly at Mount Olivet. Bring a sandwich and join us for fellowship & program.
All ladies welcome!
Prayer Blanket Ministry

Join us every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of each month from 10 - 11:00 AM at the church. The only skills needed are a heart for ministry, your time & the ability to cut with scissors or tie a knot.
Card Ministry

Come fellowship with us every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month at 9:30 AM in the church library. Join us as we spread Christ's love to the community with handwritten notes.
Men's Reunion Group
Join us on Monday mornings from 6:30 - 7:30 AM.

Our Vision is to reach out in encouragement and support to our church family; showing hospitality in such a way that Jesus Christ is glorified.
Our Goal is to provide meals to those in the Mount Olivet church family who need support during an illness, new baby, surgery, or other special circumstance.
There are three special ways to say yes!
Let Reha Otte’ or the church office know you are interested, to ensure you are on the email list or to provide alternative contact information if email is not your thing.
- When you receive an email or contact, signup and then prepare & deliver a meal
- Purchase a restaurant gift card for take-out or delivery and give to the church office or Reha
- Make a freezer meal for the Meals Ministry Freezer.
Text or call Reha Otte’ 443-271-4206; or email