This Week at Mount Olivet 10/02/16

Sun Oct. 9
7:30 AM Resounding Praise Warm Up & Prayer for Services
8:30 AM Contemporary Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Service
4:00 PM Children’s Musical Rehearsal
5:00 PM Youth Sunday Night
7:00 PM Youth Praise

Mon Oct. 10
6:30 AM Men’s Reunion Group meets in Room “C”
7:00 PM Men’s Monday Night Bible Study

Tue Oct. 11
1:00 PM Coffee with Dr. John
6:00 PM United Methodist Men

Wed Oct. 12
10:00 AM Prayer Blanket Warriors
Noon District Prayer Tour at the Dare County Courthouse*
6:00 PM Prayer Meeting in the Church Library
7:00 PM Evangelism Committee
7:30 PM High School Bible Study

Thurs Oct. 13
7:00 AM Youth Breakfast
9:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:00 AM Mom’s Group at the Cove
1:00 PM Coffee with Dr. John
5:30 PM Sawyer / Daniels Rehearsal
6:00 PM Resounding Praise Rehearsal
7:00 PM CANTATA CHOIR & Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous – ends 9:00 PM

Fri Oct. 14
Sawyer / Daniels Wedding


*The Tour of Prayer in the Beacon District 2016!
Simply meet at the Front Court Steps of your County for a time of prayer lead by the District Superintendent. Along with a time of prayer it will be a time of listening to the concerns, needs and issues for each respective county. Gathering will begin at 12 Noon with Prayer followed by lunch with the District Superintendent for anyone who would like to attend.

This Week at Mount Olivet 10/02/16

Sun Oct. 2
7:30 AM Resounding Praise Warm Up & Prayer for Services
8:30 AM Contemporary Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Service
4:00 PM Children’s Musical Rehearsal/Auditions
5:00 PM Youth Sunday Night
7:00 PM Youth Praise
7:00 PM Coffee with Dr. John

Mon Oct. 3
6:30 AM Men’s Reunion Group meets in Room “C”
7:00 PM Men’s Monday Night Bible Study

Tue Oct. 4
1:00 PM Coffee with Dr. John
7:00 PM Evangelism Committee

Wed Oct. 5
6:00 PM Prayer Meeting in the Church Library
7:30 PM High School Bible Study

Thurs Oct. 6
7:00 AM Youth Breakfast
9:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:00 AM Mom’s Group at the Cove
10:00 AM Food For Thought – Join Us in Packing Bags, all are welcome!
6:00 PM Resounding Praise Rehearsal
7:00 PM CANTATA CHOIR & Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous – ends 9:00 PM

Fri Oct. 7


coffeeCoffee with Dr. John has five dates left! 

Tonight, Oct. 2nd 7:00 PM, Oct. 4th 1:00 PM, Oct. 13 1:00 PM, & Oct. 20 10:00 AM

Everyone is invited to sign up outside the church office for “Coffee with Dr. John”. This will be a time for getting acquainted for the congregation and new pastor in a fun and inviting small group setting here at the church.

This Week at Mount Olivet 09/25/16

Sun Sept. 25
7:30 AM Resounding Praise Warm Up & Prayer for Services
8:30 AM Contemporary Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Service
4:00 PM Children’s Musical Rehearsal/Auditions
4:45 PM Senior Dolphin Cruise – prior registration required!
5:00 PM Youth Sunday Night
7:00 PM Youth Praise

Mon Sept. 26
6:30 AM Men’s Reunion Group meets in Room “C”
1:00 PM Nannie Midgett Circle @ the home of Janice Tillett
6:00 PM United Methodist Men meal & devotion
7:00 PM Community Special Presentation on the effects of Heroin!
Tue Sept. 27 1:00 PM Coffee with Dr. John
7:00 PM Committee on Lay Leadership @ The Parsonage

Wed Sept. 28
6:00 PM Prayer Meeting in the Church Library
7:30 PM High School Bible Study

Thurs Sept. 29
7:00 AM Youth Breakfast
9:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:00 AM Mom’s Group at the Cove
6:00 PM Resounding Praise Rehearsal
7:00 PM CANTATA CHOIR & Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous – ends 9:00 PM

Sat Oct. 1
9:00 AM Connecting to Ministry Workshop


Coffee with Dr. John has five dates left! 

Sept. 27th 1:00 PM, Oct. 2nd 7:00 PM, Oct. 4th 1:00 PM, Oct. 13 1:00 PM, & Oct. 20 10:00 AM

Everyone is invited to sign up outside the church office for “Coffee with Dr. John”. This will be a time for getting acquainted for the congregation and new pastor in a fun and inviting small group setting here at the church.

This Week at Mount Olivet 09/18/16

Sun Sept. 18
7:30 AM Resounding Praise Warm Up & Prayer for Services
8:30 AM Contemporary Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Service
5:00 PM Youth Sunday Night
5:00 PM SURGE Kickoff event

Mon Sept. 19
6:30 AM Men’s Reunion Group meets in Room “C”
1:00 PM Nannie Midgett Circle @ the home of Janice Tillett
6:00 PM United Methodist Men meal & devotion
7:00 PM Community Special Presentation on the effects of Heroin!

Tue Sept. 20
8:10 AM MES Character Education – Please Pray for this ministry!
6:00 PM Finance Committee

Wed Sept. 21
11:00 AM Pictorial Directory Meeting
6:00 PM Prayer Meeting in the Church Library
7:30 PM High School Bible Study

Thurs Sept. 15
7:00 AM Youth Breakfast
10:00 AM Coffee with Dr. John
10:00 AM Mom’s Group at the Cove
6:00 PM Resounding Praise Rehearsal
7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous – ends 9:00 PM

Fri Sept. 16

Sat Sept. 17
9:00 AM Connecting to Ministry Workshop


Monday, Sept. 19—1:00 PM–Nannie Midgett Circle meeting at Janice Tillett’s home.

The September monthly meeting of the Methodist Men has been moved to this Monday, September 19th at 6:00 PM.  The Methodist Men will have a meal, devotional, and music prior to a special presentation in the sanctuary.  There will be no Business Meeting.

The Finance Committee has a called meeting this Tuesday, September 20th at 6:00 PM.

This Week at Mount Olivet 09/11/16

Sun Sept. 11
8:45 AM Sunday School
10:00 AM Combined Service
12:00 PM Church Picnic at the Old Swimming Hole
5:00 PM Youth Group
7:00 PM Youth Praise

Mon Sept. 12
6:30 AM Men’s Reunion Group meets in Room “C”
7:00 PM Coffee with Dr. John

Tue Sept. 13
Noon MES Character Education – Please be in prayer for this ministry!
7:00 PM Lay Leadership Committee @ The Parsonage

Wed Sept. 14
10:30 AM Prayer Blanket Team Meeting – Everyone is welcome!
6:00 PM Prayer Meeting in the Church Library

Thurs Sept. 15
9:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:00 AM Coffee with Dr. John
10:00 AM Mom’s Group at the Cove
6:00 PM Resounding Praise Rehearsal
7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM Narcotics Anonymous – ends 9:00 PM

Sat Sept. 17
9:00 AM Connecting to Ministry Workshop


MOM’S GROUP OF ROANOKE ISLAND a Bible Study/Fellowship meets on Thursdays 10-12 noon at The Cove @ Mount Olivet UMC. Nursery is provided (A collection will be taken for the sitter.) We will be studying “Loving Our Kids on Purpose” by Danny Silk
Books may be purchased at Questions?? Contact Erica Burkhart – 423-0989

The September monthly meeting of the Methodist Men has been moved to the third Monday, September 19th at 6:00 PM. The Methodist Men will have a meal, devotional, and music prior to a special presentation in the sanctuary. There will be no Business Meeting.

The Finance Committee has a called meeting
Tuesday, September 20th at 6:00 PM.

The next Senior Dolphin Cruise (65 and older) is now available for sign up!
The next cruise will be held on Sunday, Sept 25th 5:00 – 7:00 PM.
Spots are limited so sign up outside the church office today.