This Week at Mount Olivet 02/05/17

Sun Feb. 5
7:30 AM Resounding Praise Warm Up & Prayer for Services
8:30 AM Contemporary Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Service
1:00 PM Youth Sunday Night
3:00 PM Youth Praise

Mon Feb. 6
6:30 AM Men’s Reunion Group meets in Room “C”
6:30 PM Gideon Meeting
7:00 PM Men’s Monday Night Bible Study

Tue Feb. 7
5:30 PM Preschool Board Meeting
7:00 PM Evangelism Meeting

Wed Feb. 8
6:00 PM Prayer Meeting in the Church Library
7:30 PM High School Bible Study

Thurs Feb. 9
7:00 AM Youth Breakfast
10:00 AM Mom’s Group at the Cove
12:00 PM Staff Meeting
6:00 PM Resounding Praise Rehearsal
6:30 PM Missions Meeting
7:00 PM Cantata / Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:00 PM SPRC Meeting
7:30 PM NA – ends 9:00 PM

Fri Feb. 10
6:30 PM Emmaus Teaming Meeting – Women’s Walk 115

Sat Feb. 11
6:00 PM Parents Night Out


You are invited to sign up for the Annual UMM Sweet Heart Dinner!
When: Friday, February 17th at 6:30 PM
Cost: $25 per couple or $15 single
Signup today on the bulletin board outside the church office!

This Week at Mount Olivet 01/29/17

Sun Jan. 29
7:30 AM Resounding Praise Warm Up & Prayer for Services
8:30 AM Contemporary Service
9:45 AM Sunday School
11:00 AM Traditional Service
5:00 PM Youth Sunday Night
7:00 PM Youth Praise

Mon Jan. 30
6:30 AM Men’s Reunion Group meets in Room “C”
7:00 PM Men’s Monday Night Bible Study
7:00 PM Trustees Committee

Wed Feb. 1
10:00 AM Prayer Blanket Warriors
6:00 PM Prayer Meeting in the Church Library
7:30 PM High School Bible Study

Thurs Feb. 2
7:00 AM Youth Breakfast
9:00 AM Staff Meeting
10:00 AM Food for Thought – Everyone is welcome to pack bags!
10:00 AM Mom’s Group at the Cove
6:00 PM Resounding Praise Rehearsal
7:00 PM Chancel Choir Rehearsal
7:30 PM NA – ends 9:00 PM

Sat Feb. 4
10:00 AM Girl Scouts


You are invited to sign up for the Annual UMM Sweet Heart Dinner!
When: Friday, February 17th at 6:30 PM
Cost: $25 per couple or $15 single
Signup today on the bulletin board outside the church office!

  • This weeks sermon is from our Youth Director, Drew Peyton: “Blessed”